NGO “Ukrainian Ecological Club “Green Wave” took part in the inventory of old-growth trees in Irpin


On September 2, the Ukrainian Ecological Club Green Wave took part in an inventory of old-growth trees in Irpin. Together…

Green Wave presented environmental games at a seminar in Latvia


From August 22 to 25, the YOUTH+ and Junior Ranger Nordic - Baltic seminar was held in Sigulda, Latvia, with…

Training for the second intake of the All-Ukrainian Academy i-Tree 4 UA has ended


The training for the second intake of the All-Ukrainian Academy i-Tree 4 UA has come to an end. It is…

Green areas are on guard for community recovery and resilience: Sustainable and nature-based solutions


NGO Green Wave continues to work tirelessly to rebuild our country and support its green present and future. Thanks to…

100 students from all over Ukraine studied at the All-Ukrainian Academy “i-Tree4UA”


The Ukrainian Ecological Club Green Wave, with the support of the U.S. Forest Service in partnership with The Davey Tree…

How did an American green space inventory app find a home in Ukrainian communities?


Here comes our proud report on a massive iTree inventory project in Ukraine we made in 2022 despite the war…

Impact and value of urban green zones 2022: Feofania Park


Протягом кількох польових виїздів команда ГО УЕК «Зелена Хвиля» разом з волонтерами та волонтерками проводили інвентаризацію зелених насаджень в парку…