Armed with innovative Climate Drops mobile application youth is leading pro-climate behaviour change!
On 6 of December 2018 during the opening of the Youth and Future Generations Day at COP24 students from Ukrainian schools presented the results of Climate Drops School contest.

Since April 2018 fifty-five school communities from Ukraine have reduced 363 tonnes of CO2 by doing climate-friendly actions within dedicated school contest, based on the use of Climate Drops mobile application.  The winners of the contest call their counterparts from schools around the Globe to take part in the contest to reduce 1 million tonnes of CO2 by climate-friendly behaviour change.

Climate Drops Mobile App tracks specific climate-friendly actions of its users, converts the actions into electronic points, called Climate Drops, and allows their exchange on discounts from eco-responsible businesses. Within the contest, school students and teachers have earned Climate Drops by planting trees, recycling waste and saving energy in buildings. In parallel, project participants obtained additional knowledge on climate change and ways to resist it. The contest winners have been the school communities accumulating the biggest amount of Climate Drops per school student, while one Climate Drop stands for 1 kg of CO2 savings, achieved by a specific climate-friendly action.

Glib Fedorov, aged 12: “Climate Drops app and school contest has been a lot of fun for me and many pupils from our school. The Drops are like eco-money which you can earn by climate-friendly actions, like trees’ planting, for example. The Drops jump between smart-phones within seconds! Our class was especially active earning the Drops by collecting used paper which we delivered for recycling points two times along the contest!”

Daryna Prokopchuk, aged 16: “Earning and spending Climate Drops provoked me to learn more on climate change and its driving forces. At the same time, the App shows on practice that reducing carbon emissions is easy and practically everyone can reduce 500 and more kilograms of CO2 per year by altering a bit his/her behaviour! For the moment too few people know about these simple facts or act eco-friendly but school communities can spread these knowledge among the people and even get them involved!”

Oleksandr Zhuk, the winner of the Global Teacher Prize Ukraine 2018: “As a teacher I always support my students in developing their personal competences and ability to cooperate with other people in the pursuit of common and individual good. Climate Drops educates and motivates a student to act in eco-friendly manner, turning fragmented actions into habbits over a time. Also, the App fosters the cooperation between the students for collective pro-climate action in and outside the school. Indeed, with such innovative instruments the schools can become the engines of climate change fight, making the behaviour of their whole communities much more climate-friendly.”

Maryna Diachenko, Director of Prommarket Okean company, Climate Drops Partner: “Our enterprise has become the Partner of Climate Drops App almost a year ago, aiming to support this innovative climate technology and the school contest as well as to get new clients. We are proud that we can support our clients, employees, local schools and communities in climate-friendly activities and plan to contribute more effort in reducing our carbon emissions.”

Climate Drops Mobile Application has been in testing and operation in Ukraine since September 2017. Now it has hundreds of users and 25 partners in 15 Ukrainian cities. The App is available at Play Market for smart-phones with Android OS and has been developed by KT-Energy LLC, the energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction consultancy since 2010.

More info could be found at and

Contact for media:
Kyryl Tomliak, Project coordinator
+380 50 44 322 69

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