Categories: Вакансії

GIZ відкриті вакансії в Проєкті “Підтримка України в наближенні до природоохоронних норм ЄС”

Німецьке товариство міжнародного співробітництва GIZ відкрило вакансії по проєкту “Підтримки України в наближенні  до природоохоронних норм ЄС”:

– Team Leader

– Senior Environmental Expert

– Senior Legal Expert
– Senior Water Expert

Всі вакансії знаходяться за адресою.

Нижче наведено вимоги до Team Leader.

Team Leader (m/f) – Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a state owned organisation. We work worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ International Services (IS) is an integral division of GIZ. We offer the experience, the regional and technical know-how of GIZ in the global market and provide international clients with expertise in terms of economic and result-oriented services.

JOB-ID: 21870

Field of activity

GIZ International Services is shortlisted for the up-coming EU-funded tender “Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis”.

The overall objective of the project is to facilitate and promote the EU environmental acquis approximation process based on the Association Agreement and relevant framework documents concerning approximation of environmental legislation of Ukraine.

The goal is to enable the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR), other relevant stakeholders and civil society actors to prepare for the implementation of the EU environmental requirements, by strengthening legal and institutional system in environmental governance and horizontal, water quality and water resource management and nature protection issues.


Specific purposes are:

  • To assist with the implementation of specific requirements of the Association Agreement, the Basic Approximation Plan and other relevant strategic documents.
  • To raise institutional capacity and public awareness in environmental approximation issues.

The following results are expected at the end of the technical assistance project:

  • Increased awareness within the Ukrainian government of the legal, institutional and technical actions needed to comply with the EU requirements in the environmental governance and horizontal, water quality and water resource management and nature protection areas.
  • Improved coordination and better communication between institutions in the field of environmental approximation.
  • Transposition of requirements for environmental governance and horizontal issues, water quality and water resource management and nature protection areas is supported effectively.
  • Three pilot projects (related to the implementation of the horizontal, water management and nature protection directives) conducted by the beneficiaries.
  • Recommendations for further technical assistance projects developed.

Your tasks

As the Team Leader (m/f), you will be responsible for the overall implementation of the project, including: timely submission of required reports, local coordination of all project activities and aspects, organization and supervision of all project management matters, liaison with the contracting authority, beneficiaries and other stakeholders. The Team Leader is responsible for all additional activities requested by the beneficiary to assist in activities regarding the legal approximation in the field of environment.

Your profile

Qualifications and skills

  • A university degree in law or the relevant professional experience of minimum 5 years above the required 10 years of general professional experience indicated below.
  • A postgraduate specialization relevant to one of the following areas would be an asset (climate change and protection of the ozone layer, air quality, waste and resource management, industrial pollution and hazards, genetically modified organisms)
  • Excellent English communication skills (spoken and written)
  • Good command of the Ukrainian or Russian language would be an asset

General professional experience

  • At least 10 years professional experience in the policy and/or legislation implementation gained after the award of a higher education diploma
  • Proven negotiation skills at ministerial top-management level would be an asset

Specific professional experience

  • At least 2 years of experience as a Team Leader in one technical assistance project, preferably in the field of legal approximation
  • At least 5 years of experience in transposition and/or implementation of the environmental acquis in a new (from 2004) EU member state or in one of the candidate countries for EU accession.
  • Additional experience in the field of legal approximation in ex-tacis countries would be an asset.

Assignment period

The intended start date will be July 2015 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 36 months from this date. The minimum recommended input of the Team Leader is 300 man-days.

Other information

If you are interested, please do not hesitate to apply until 14.04.2015.

Oleksandr Baskov

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