The event brought together more than 140 teachers and public activists from more than 40 Ukrainian places. It was dedicated to the integration of climate change thematic issues in the formal and informal education system.
School teachers, university professors, activists and volunteers of non-governmental organizations, educators of academic and informal education sectors, as well as representatives of international organizations shared own experience in the field of climate change education and discussed further cooperation possibilities between educators and the NGO sector.
The last day of the Forum was the most exciting, as educators-activists were able to practice climatic eco-games from the newly issued handbook “While Playing Change the World.” As a result, Forum participants asked to organize such event every year.
The event was held under the Climate Forum East II project funded by the European Commission, the Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross, with the support of the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine.
The handbook can be downloaded here.
Regarding the possible joint game projects please contact Oleksandra Khalaim olexandra.khalaim [at]
Material is prepared by Victoria Kogut and Oleksandra Khalaim
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