Чи знаєте Ви, як можна поліпшити вигляд міста на рівні погляду? Як організувати екологічну екскурсію містом? Яку вегетаріанську їжу можна знайти у Стокгольмі та що можна зробити з використаною кавою після її виймання з кава-машини? Чотири члени Екоклубу «Зелена Хвиля» дізналися про це та багато іншого під час триденного візиту організованого НГО «Global Playground Stockholm» у червні цього року. Завдяки фінансовій підтримці Меморіального Фонду «Olof Palme» (Швеція), обидві організації мали можливість відвідати одна іншу, обмінятися досвідом, влаштувати нові контакти та обдумати ідеї майбутніх спільних проєктів.
Do you kn
Due to financial support of the Olof Palme Memorial Fund (Sweden) both NGOs had a possibility to visit each other for experience exchange, setting up new contacts, and brainstorming the ideas of future common projects.
Core members of Global Playground Stockholm (Aleh Kliatsko, Stiva Liwiz, and Irina Mikhnovets) have guided us with their eco-tour through the Stockholm city center. The tour leads you through charity shops, fair-trade markets, and raw-cafés: the establishments oriented to sustainability, local producers’ support, and things’ reuse. The fair-trade café “Barista” at the end of the day gives its coffee rests for planting purposes.
Also we have not missed the chance to get acquainted with students’ studying possibilities provided by Swedish Institute and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. In Stockholm University we had a quite useful talk with the student ecological organization “Symbios”, having discussed common problems and specificity of managing student organizations in general.
At the end we have visited the info center of Hammarby living district of Stockholm, which for sure can be regarded as a great example of sustainable urban planning. Having been a contaminated industrial zone till the 1990th, it has totally been redeveloped; at the moment it has a modern pipe waste transporting system, where air pushes the waste bags up to 70 km/hour to the sorting facilities.
During this 3-days visit to Stockholm, the “Green Wave” delegation have broaden significantly the understanding of possibilities to make the urban life more sustainable at the different levels, starting from sustainable consumption through ecological education due to eco-tours, and finishing with community-based urban eco-projects. So, much to do now in Kyiv! ;)
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