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Nature interpretation development in Ukraine – report | Зелена Хвиля

Nature interpretation development in Ukraine – report

Concept, ideas and methods of nature interpretation were broadly disseminated in protected areas of Ukraine due to the joint activities of Ecoclub, US Forest Service and WWF. We brought together a team of like-minded enthusiasts and created a cohort of advanced interpretive guides.

In tandem with these activities, we offer to create 12 Regional Centers on Nature Interpretation (RCNI) in Kyiv, Lviv, Kherson Region, Dnepropetrovsk Region, Zaporizhzhya Region, Kharkiv Region, Poltava Region, Sumy Region, Zakarpattya Region, Ivano-Frankivsk Region and Volyn Region. The main criteria for the RCNI designation were the presence of natural heritage and certified interpretive guides.

The implementation of nature interpretation in Ukraine became possible due to the support of US Forest Service.


Макуха Дар'я

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